This is an announcement post. Cool, right?

This first post denotes the chance to say what I’ve been meaning to tell the internet my whole life:
H E R E T H E Y C O M E ! ! ! clickity clack down the track! its LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAINS! two of the greatest train videos we’ve ever offered! and now through this special tv offer you get TWO VIDEOS for the price of ONE! you’ll get B I G trains, little trains, steam trains, deisel and passenger trains! even trains the blow through snow! old trains, new trains, fast trains, slo o o o ow trains, smokin’ trains, even trains from around the world! plus toy trains and trolley trains and much much more when you order lots and lots of trains! hear the whistle blow, feel the heat, smell the smoke as these TITANS OF THE TRACK thunder on by! you’ll love LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAINS! and remember, this spectacular 2 disc set is not available in stores! so hop on board and get 2 great tapes for one great price! G E T L O T S A N D L O T S O F T R A I N S ! ! ! order now
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